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Australia Travelogue |
澳洲見聞錄 |
(The translation below is for page 73-88 of the book) In the Olympic city—Melbourne The Most Densely Populated State in Australia—Victoria We were heading to Melbourne, the capital of Victoria. Victoria is the smallest state in Australia, located in the south of New South Wales. Although it is only one in thirty-fourth of the size of Australia, a quarter of the population in this continent (about 2.5 million people) live here. This concentration of population is due to Victoria’s abundant resources, particularly its historical association with gold mining. Over a century ago, the discovery of gold led to a rapid influx of people, resulting in the establishment of many towns in the inland goldfields. It is said that Victoria has produced 78 million ounces of gold over the past century. |
(以下部分為書中73-88頁內容) 在奧運會城市——墨爾本 澳洲人口最密的維多利亞州 我們下一個駐足的地方是維多利亞州首府的墨爾本,維多利亞州是澳洲大陸最小的一州,在新南威爾士州的南面,面積雖然只有大陸的三十四分之一,卻有四分之一強的人口(約二百五十萬)居住在這裡。因此可以看出在地廣人稀的澳洲,維多利亞州由於物產的豐富,卻聚集了相當多的人。這和黃金大有關係。百年前發現金礦的消息傳出後,人口驟增,也因此在內地產金區建立起好些市鎮。據說在過去一百年中,這一州便生產了七千八百萬安士黃金。
In the coastal areas of Victoria, the rainfall distributes quite balanced. Even in the rain-deficient inland regions, agricultural yields are abundant due to well-developed irrigation projects. Victoria has also achieved significant industrialisation, with Melbourne and nearby cities like Geelong and Dandenong becoming industrial hubs. Victoria boasts over 15,000 factories employing more than 300,000 workers, with an annual production value of nearly £1 billion, surpassing income from agriculture and animal husbandry. | 維多利亞沿海地帶雨量均勻,即在缺雨的內地,也因灌溉工程的完善,農產頗豐。這一州在工業化方面大事躍進,除了墨爾本之外,附近幾個小城市,也逐漸成為工業區,如紀隆(GEELONG),丹頓農(DANDENONG)輕重工業也次第建立。使本州的工廠已在一萬五千間以上,工人三十餘萬人,每年生產價值近十億鎊,超過了農牧方面的入息。 |
When we met Mr. Henry Bolte, the Premier of Victoria, he often discussed the issue of industrialisation, emphasizing efforts to decentralize industry and prevent excessive concentration in Melbourne. He took pride in the rapid industrialization of the state. Mr. Bolte is a member of the Liberal Party, and the state government is characterized by competition between the Liberal Party and the Country Party of Australia. |
我們在見維多利亞州總理波迪先生的時候,他就會談到工業化的問題,他們正在進行把工業分散,不使其過度集中在墨爾本。他也以本州的工業化的迅速,引以為榮。這位總理是自由黨人,州議會中自由黨及農民黨是多數黨,所以由這兩黨合組政府。 |
The Second-Largest City in Australia—Melbourne Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, is the second-largest city in Australia, with a population of over 1.6 million people. Compared to Sydney’s chaotic layout, Melbourne’s urban planning is exemplary. The city, with only a hundred years of history, was originally delineated by surveyors. The commercial district spans about a mile in length and half a mile in width, with straight streets. The main east-west streets are Collins Street and Bourke Street, with Collins Street particularly renowned for its tree-lined beauty. We arrived in Melbourne just before Christmas and took evening strolls amidst the colorful electric lights hanging from the trees, complemented by the bright lights of the shops, creating a festive atmosphere amidst the bustling crowds. |
澳洲第二大城 作為本州首府的墨爾本,是澳洲的第二大城市,人口達一百六十餘萬。在城市的規划上說來,比起悉尼的雜亂無章,實在不可同日而言。這個城市不過才一百年的歷史,當初由測量師規劃地段。商業區大約有一哩長,半哩闊,街道筆直,兩條在東西位置上的大街是柯林斯街和布克街,尤以柯林斯街兩旁植樹為最美觀。我們是在聖誕節前到墨爾本,晚上散步,樹影上結上五彩電燈,加上兩旁商店的燈光燦爛,和遊人如織,充滿了節日的氣氛。 |
There are several parks in the outlying parts of the commercial district. The largest one is the Royal Botanical Gardens, which is across from the Yarra River. It’s said that a quarter of Melbourne’s land is dedicated to gardens and parks, earning it the title of “Garden City”. The view of the city’s skyline from across the river, framed by the greenery of the gardens, is truly beautiful. |
在這商業區的外圍,便有好幾處公園。最大的一處是隔一條拉雅河的植物園。據說墨爾本的四分一土地是花園和公園,所以也有花園城市的稱譽。我覺得從公園這邊草地上,隔着河望市區的建築剪影,實在美得很。 |
Across from the Royal Botanical Gardens is the Melbourne & Olympic Parks, built for the previous Olympic Games, hosting facilities for football, cycling, walking, hockey, and a uniquely designed swimming pool. The athletics stadium is also nearby. Melburnians take pride in their city’s role as a host for the Olympic Games, earning Melbourne the title of the “Olympic City”. | 在植物園對岸的是奧林匹克運動場,這是為上屆奧運會而建的,足球場、腳車競走場、曲棍球場,以及建築式樣很怪的游泳池都在這裡。至於田徑賽舉行場所的木板球場則相距不遠。墨爾本人以他們的城市曾為奧運會舉行地點為榮,並為墨爾本加上奧運會城市的稱號。 |
Review of the Olympic Games Documentary We were hosted by Sir Wilfrid Kent Hughes, previous Chairman of the Organising Committee and now Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Australian Parliament. Several of the guests accompanying us were media people, and the Olympics was a hot topic. The host seems to be never tired of discussing this grand Olympic Games from a year ago, either. After the meal there was a screening of a Kodak color documentary on the Games, which I thought was much better than the Olympic films that had been shown in Singapore and Malaysia. Firstly, it was not colorist, whereas the latter had a few uncomfortable moments, such as the contrasting shot of a white competitor easily lifting a jackhammer, followed by a colored competitor who tried multiple times but failed to do so. There is also a sequence where the black runners on the Gold Coast lost the race and the screen shows them hanging out on the beach with nothing to do. The commentator complained and criticised about some recent events during commenting. Secondly, the cinematography and color of this set is also superior to the latter. |
再看奧運會紀錄片 我們曾受上屆奧運會籌備委員會主席現任澳國會外交委員會主席的溫菲里·肯特·休士爵士設宴款待,有好幾位陪客是報人,大家的話題,很容易談到奧運會,而主人也對這個一年前的盛會百談不厭似的。餐後還放映一套大會所攝的柯達彩色紀錄片,這一套我覺得較之曾經在星馬放映的奧運會影片好得多。第一,這套影片沒有膚色歧視,而後者卻有幾個看了很令人不自在的鏡頭,比如白種人的選手很輕易地把千斤擔舉起來了,隨着來一個有色人的選手,屢次舉不起的對比鏡頭。還有一處是黃金海岸的黑人選手賽跑落選了,銀幕上映出他們無所事事的到海濱吃風,說明中並大事控苦一頓。第二,這套影片的攝影技術和彩色也較後者高明。 |
According to Sir Wilfrid, this was the official documentary of the Congress, whereas the latter was made by businessmen. He added that hundreds of thousands of feet of films had been taken by the Congress, most of them are 16mm films . There are complete records of the various sports, and the Congress welcomes additional copies from national sporting bureaus, and it is said that many countries have purchased them in order to compare carefully the skill of their competitors. I think it is necessary for the sports organizations in Singapore and Malaysia to purchase documentaries of several sports, at least so that the athletes can know why they fail in their competitions, and at the same time can see where the others are superior. |
據溫菲里爵士的解說,這一套是大會的正式紀錄片,而後者是由商人所攝製的。他又說,大會方面曾攝下數十萬尺的影片,多數是十六公釐的。各種運動多有完整的紀錄,大會歡迎各國體育機關添印拷貝,據說有許多國家採購,以便仔細比較各國選手的優劣技術。我認為星馬的體育團體有購買幾種運動的紀錄片的必要,最少可以使運動員知道他們在比賽中,為什麼會失敗在他人的手中,同時也可以看出別人的長處在哪裡? |
The Large-Scale Australian Workers’ Unions The organisations of workers in Australia are both well-organised and large. When we visited Mr. Monk, the President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (A.C.T.U.), which was an organisation based in Melbourne, he told us that the total number of workers in Australia was 2,797,000 (one-third of them were government employees), and 1,866,000 of them were members of workers’ unions. In other words, one-fifth of the Australian population is included in worker’s unions, the percentage of which is higher than that of the United Kingdom and the United States. |
組織龐大的澳洲工會 澳洲的工人組織,既嚴密且龐大。我們曾拜訪總部設在墨爾本的澳洲全國職工會理事會(A.C.T.U)的主席蒙克先生,他對我們說澳洲的勞工人數一共是二百七十九萬七千人(政府僱員佔三分之一),屬於工會會員的有一百八十一萬六千人。換句話說:即澳洲人口的五分之一是被組織在工會裡,這個比率較英美為高。 |
Mr. Monk first talked about the history of Australian labour movement. He mentioned that the workers who emigrated from Britain worked unlimited hours before 1854. Most of them worked more than ten hours a day. Until 1855, the masons’ union requested to work within eight hours per day, and won the support in the construction industry. Consequently, the labour movement was expanded, and therefore laid the foundations for founding a head organisation that includes unions for all walks of life. When fought for better treatment of workers, strikes were inevitably used as a weapon for collective bargaining, but the loss of life was minimal, unlike the United States where fatal incidents were common. As far as he could remember, in the history of the Australian labour movement, only two people were reported to be dead. One of them died in the strike that occurred at a dock in Melbourne in 1928, and the other one died in a miners’ demonstration. The longest strike was the general strike in Victoria in 1929, which lasted for five months. | 蒙克先生先對我們談澳洲職工運動的歷史。他說在一八五四年以前,由英國移入的工人,他們的工作時間是無限制的,多在十小時以上,一直到一八五五年,石匠組織的工會爭取每日八小時的工作,在建築業方面獲得響應,職工運動因而擴大,終而為包含各業工會的總組織樹立了基礎。在爭取改善工人待遇中,難免以罷工為集體談判的武器,但生命損失極微,不像美國在罷工時常有事件發生。據他記憶所及,澳洲職工運動史上,只有二宗生命損失,一宗是在一九二八年墨爾本碼頭罷工,死一人;另一次是礦工示威,死一人。罷工時間最長的一次是一九二九年,維多利亞州的大罷工,歷時五個月之久。 |
These records show the peacefulness of the labour movement in Australia. Given that workers’ unions are supporters of the Australian Labour Party, with political influence, both the state and federal parliaments will legislate in favour of workers’ unions. |
這說明了澳洲的職工運動的和平性,因為工會是澳洲工黨的支持者,通過了政治的力量,無論是州議會,還是聯邦議會都對工會作有利的立法。 |
Forced Arbitration of Labour Disputes There is a peaceful solution to labour disputes in Australia, which is forced arbitration. Each state has arbitration tribunals or industrial tribunals. There are also Federal arbitration tribunals responsible for regulating minimum wages, working hours and other treatments. Whenever a labour dispute arises, it will be dealt with by an arbitration tribunal, but it requires a mutual consent from both parties. |
勞資糾紛強制仲裁 澳洲對勞資糾紛,有一個和平解決的方案,便是強制仲裁。每州均有仲裁法庭或工業法庭之設,聯邦也有仲裁法庭,規定最低工資、工作時間及其他待遇。每當有勞資糾紛發生,便由仲裁法庭處理,但仲裁人員必須雙方同意。 |
Mr. Monk said that there were ninety-seven trade unions members affiliated to the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Councils of Trade Unions in every state and major city were members of A.C.T.U., including a number of large guilds at the national level as well. | 蒙克先生說,在澳洲職工會理事會屬下一共有九十七個工會會員,各州及大都市的職工會理事會,都是它的會員,此外還有若干全國性的大公會。 |
The A.C.T.U. has two objectives: “First, the socialisation of industry. That is to say, the distribution and exchange of production; and the second is utilising Australia’s resources to benefit the people in Australia — to ensure full employment and raise the standard of living so as to provide real security and sufficient cultural opportunities for all.” | 理事會的目標有兩個:“產業的社會主義化,即:生產的分配及交換;以及利用澳洲的資源裨益人民——確保完全就業,提高生活水平,使大家享有真正的安全及充分的文化機會。” |
The Australian labour movement has achieved a lot in the past sixty years. It has set a minimum wage system so that Australian workers can live a fairly high standard of living. Not only are their wages high and their working hours short, but they are also generally entitled to annual vacation, paid sick leave, and a wide range of social services. According to Mr. Monk, the unions will strive for a pension that equals a half of the basic wage in the future, as the current pension is only 4 pounds per week, which is too low. | 在過去六十年中,澳洲的職工運動曾經得到很多的收穫,他們有一個最低工資的制度,而使澳洲工人能過一個相當高水準的生活。他們不但工資高,工作時間短,而且一般都享有每年例假,有薪病假,和廣泛的社會服務。據蒙克先生說今後工會將爭取養老金為基本薪金之半,目前每周僅四鎊,為數過低。 |
The Vision of Australian-Asia Association In Melbourne, we were entertained by the Australian-Asian Association of Victoria in a parlour at the University of Melbourne. More than thirty members of the Association attended the luncheon, including educators, journalists, businessmen, freelancers and others. The President of the Association, Sir Charles Lowe, spoke about the purpose and work of the Association. He served as the Chancellor of the University of Melbourne and is currently a Justice. He introduced that the Australian-Asia Association was formed at the instigation of Casey, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and that the Association in Victoria was formed a year and a half ago, with the purpose of promoting friendship with the countries in Asia. For example, when the Department of Foreign Affairs notified of the arrival of guests from Asian countries, the Association would provide hospitality. At present, there are 300 to 400 members in the Association in Victoria. The membership of the Association is open to all persons belonging to Australia, the Commonwealth countries, and countries with which Australia has diplomatic relations. The Association is financed by contributions from commercial firms that have trade and business relations with Asian countries, while the house for the Association is provided by the Shell Corporation. The women members of the Association raised 8,000 pounds recently, and they plan to use the money to send some social workers to serve in Thailand. This is a trial, and if it works well, they will expand the service to other countries. |
澳亞協會的宗旨 我們在墨爾本受到“澳洲協會維多利亞分會”的款待,地點是在墨爾本大學內的一個客廳,參加這個午餐會的有三十多位會員,他們包括教育界、新聞界、商界及自由職業者等等。會長卻爾斯·羅爵士在會上,介紹了協會的宗旨和工作。他擔任墨爾本大學副校長,現任大法官。他說,“澳亞協會”是由外交部長卡賽所提倡組織,維多利亞分會在一年半前成立,它的宗旨為促進對亞洲各國之友好。比如,當外交部通知有亞洲國家來賓到來時,該會即予招待。目前分會的會員,已有三四百人,凡屬澳洲、英聯邦國家、以及和澳洲建交國家的人士均可入會。該會經費則由對亞洲國家有貿易及商業關係的商行捐助。會所則由蜆殻油公司供給。會中的婦女組最近募欵得八千鎊,打算用這筆錢派社會工作者赴泰服務,這是一種試驗,如果成績良好,將擴展至其他國家。 |
Three Million Gallons of Gasoline Per Day
Australia is actively promoting industrialisation, with agriculture fully mechanised, as well as the surge in the number of automobiles for over 2 million nationwide. The highly developing refining industry is the result of the use of diesel engines in locomotives and fuel oil in ships. With a total investment of £120 million, four modern refineries were established after the World War II. The British refinery company at Kwinana near Fremantle Port in Western Australia has the largest scale among Australia, and the Shell Oil Refinery in Geelong has the second. | 澳洲是在積極從事工業化的國家,另方面農業也已充分的機械化,再加上汽車的急激增加,全國已超過二百萬輛。火車頭的使用柴油機,輪船改用燃料油,都促成煉油業的高度發展。戰後已有四家現代化的煉油廠成立,投資總額達一億二千萬鎊。最大的一家是在西澳菲里曼德港附近奎威納納的英國煉油公司,其次便是在紀隆的蜆殼煉油廠。 |
Even though nearly 3 million gallons of gasoline is consumed per day, no oil is produced in Australia. For many years, oil companies have spent £45 million seeking for oil fields and testing wells in Australia, Papua and New Guinea, but not a single oil field with commercial value showed up. However, the initiative of exploration for oil fields is not decreasing but increasing. It is said that the exploration could cost £800 per hour. | 澳洲每日要消耗汽油近三百萬加侖,可是它本國並不產石油,許多年來,各石油公司曾在澳洲、巴布亞及新幾內亞花了四千五百萬鎊在尋覓油田,試鑽油井,但始終還沒有找到一處有商業價值的油田。然而油公司卻仍未放棄希望,尋找油田的工作卻益見積極,據說每小時便要花八百磅進行勘查。 |
The Silver Shell Oil Refinery
The car stopped at the gate of the refinery. The gatekeeper collected all lighters and matches from smokers before entry. | 汽車到煉油廠大門便停下來,守門人要吸煙的把身上帶的打火機及火柴都繳出來,然後才准入內。 |
We first went to a room adorned with charts and a model of the entire refinery. Mr. Carol, the Public Relations Officer, explained the refining process and gave us an overview of the refinery for a basic understanding. Then we toured all over this 250-acre refinery in a tourist bus. It’s said that there are a total of 7 miles of asphalt roads inside. | 我們先由場內公共聯絡主任凱羅先生在一個掛滿圖表及全廠模型的室中,講解煉油的程序,和本廠的概略,讓我們先有一個概念,然後用旅客車載我們到這個佔地二百五十英畝的煉油廠各部分參觀,據說廠內的柏油路一共有七英里長。 |
Countless pipes, cylinders, chimneys, towers, oil tanks and other silvery facilities lying in front of us were all shining brightly in the sunlight. Although we were surrounded by refining equipment, the stillness was the only accompany without sign of oil or any movement. | 展示在我們面前的是無數的管子、圓筒、煙囪、高塔、油槽……在陽光下顯出耀眼的銀光。這裡雖然儘是一座座煉油的設備,可是從始至終,看不到油,也看不到一切變化活動。 |
The reason for the silence is that oil is volatile and flammable, so it has to be sealed off from air. Refining is to heat the oil for gasoline and fuel oil through fractional distillation. These two products vaporize at different temperatures into gases. These two gases are then condensed into liquid through condensation pipes and stored separately. For what’s left, another method to deal with these heavy oils is to break down the heavy molecular hydrocarbons into light molecular hydrocarbons like gases, gasoline and fuel oil through heat and catalyst. The gases can be burned for heating. | 原因是石油是揮發性和引火性的物質,所以必須密封不與空氣接觸。而煉油的方法,便是利用熱力將石油加以分級蒸餾,按揮發點不同將先後化氣的汽油、燃料油,經冷凝管而液化,加以貯藏。留下來的重油,便要用另一種處理方法,即利用觸煤將加熱後的重油,使重分子碳氫化合物分裂為輕分子的碳氫化合物的氣體、汽油和燃料油。氣體可燃燒作為加熱之用。 |
New Technology Produces More Gasoline
In order to condense the gas after distillation, plenty of water is required during the refining process. Seawater is what this refinery uses, consuming 4 million gallons per hour. Besides, oil is transported through tankers. As a result, the refinery is located near the sea. | 在煉油過程中,因蒸餾後需將氣體凝結,要利用大量的水。這家廠所使用的是海水,每小時用水達四百萬加侖;同時由海外運來石油是利用油槽船,所以採油廠便靠近海邊。 |
The investment to this refinery is £28 million. It’s still expanding, aiming to make full use of by-product extracted from oil to minimize waste. At its peak capacity, the refinery filled with 120 million gallons is able to meet one-third of the current oil demand in Australia. | 這一間煉油廠的投資是二千八百萬鎊,而且繼續在增建,要充分的利用其副產品,使石油無所浪費。它在最高產量時,可供澳洲目前需油量的三分之一。廠內的注油量達一億二千萬加侖。 |
After our visit, we talked about the nationality and capital sources of the Shell Refinery with Mr. Carol. He told us that the Shell Oil Refinery is a joint venture between Britain and the Netherlands. The Dutch has a larger share of capital. The London office is currently responsible for funding and the Dutch office is managing technical departments. The London office manages massive funds for necessary investments on over 10 refineries worldwide belongs to the Shell and extensive exploration for new oil fields. Technicians are often trained in the Netherlands, but local talents should be preferred in its refineries around the world. | 在參觀之後,我們曾與那位公共聯絡主任談到蜆殼油公司的國籍與資本來源問題。他說,蜆殼油公司是英荷合資的,荷方的資本比較多一些。目前關於資金,則由倫敦方面負責,荷蘭方面則負責技術部門。該公司在世界各地有十餘座煉油廠,需資金極巨,另方面也要大規模勘察新油田,也非錢莫辨,這都由倫敦方面計劃。關於技術人員多在荷蘭受訓,但在各地的煉油廠,多利用當地的人才。 |
Australians Love Betting We were scheduled to visit the racecourse according to the official agenda. Although horse racing is not my thing, I decided to go along with the group to see what the fuss was about, since Australian people are extremely passionate about horse racing by reputation and the visit was on the agenda. |
好賭的澳洲人 按着官方排定的日程,我們要參觀跑馬場。我雖然一向對賽馬不感興趣,但久聞澳洲人對賽馬的狂熱,而且又是已經排入日程,未便脫離團體活動,所以便隨行前往看熱鬧。 |
Australians love gambling. Lottery tickets are issued in multiple states and slot machines are installed in clubs everywhere. The government also levy a tax on it. We were once invited to a dinner by the Sydney Press Club. Unlike journalists’ union, which only includes journalists, press club is not only open to the staff, news agency and contributing writers, but also to anyone connected to the press. As a result, there are 2,000 members in the Sydney Press Club. | 澳洲人好賭,有若干州發行彩票,各處俱樂部則有吃角子老虎 ,政府也從中抽稅。比如我們曾經受悉尼報界俱樂部的招待晚餐。報界俱樂部與記者公會不同,後者是記者的職工團體,前者除了報館人員之外,通訊社人員、投稿的作家,及與報界有往來的人均可參加。所以悉尼報界俱樂部有會員兩千人。 |
The Sydney Press Club is on the second floor of an old building on Phillip Street. Half of the front room is a dining area, and the other half is a billiards table. They set a slot machine in the back room. Some people were playing poker games in the room. The staff of the club were quite hospitable to us. One of them mentioned that they were about to move because the club had just bought a new four-storey house worth over £100,000 as their new clubhouse. I asked about their capital source and wondered if it was from outside donations. And he answered, “No, that’s our own money.” I asked, “You mean from the members’ donations?” He replied with hesitation, “It was from our slot machine. ” Meanwhile, we heard the noise of the slot machine in the back room shaking violently. The clinking of coins came through every ear with a knowing smile. |
悉尼報界俱樂部是在菲立街一座舊屋宇的二樓,前樓一半是餐室,另一半是彈子檯,後樓則陳列着「吃角子老虎」,有人在打撲克牌。俱樂部的職員們招呼我們非常殷勤,有一位職員談到他們的俱樂部最近買下一座四層樓的新房子作為會所,價值十餘萬鎊·快要搬家了。我問他如何籌到這筆錢,是不是向外界籌募,他說:「不,那是我們自己的錢。」我說:「你是說會員們自動捐出來的?」他吞吞吐吐地說:「是吃角子老虎給我們賺得來的。」這時,後樓機聲大震,銀角滾動之聲清晰傳來,大家會心一笑。 |
I saw a brand-new vehicle covered in slogans with all kinds of colors on Bourke Street in Melbourne city center. The slogans were advertising lottery tickets for two shillings each. The first prize was the vehicle. The ticket seller was right on the pavement. In addition, another gambling venue, the greyhound racing court were set up in all big cities. | 我在墨爾本市中心區的布克街街邊,看到一輛嶄新的汽車,上面貼滿了五顏六色的標語,招人買兩仙令一張的彩票,中獎者便可得到這輛汽車,賣彩票的人就在行人道上。此外大城市都有跑狗場,也是賭博場所。 |
Three Racecourses in Melbourne Australia is a horse producer, and many horses are exported, especially to Singapore and Malaysia. Horses are worth quite much with the price of minimum a couple hundreds of pounds. It could cost thousands of pounds for the top horses. Therefore, horse breeding is a lucrative industry. Australian horses are very marketable. There are already five racecourses in just Sydney and three racecourses in Melbourne. I also spotted an empty lot with a wooden sign representing a new racecourse. There is even a racecourse in Canberra with a population of only over 30,000 people. |
墨爾本有三處馬場 澳洲產馬,有大批輸出,星馬便是澳洲馬的市場。馬是很值錢的,起碼是幾百鎊,至於名駒便非上千鎊莫辯。所以養馬是入息優厚的事業。澳洲的馬,是大有用武之地的。單是悉尼便有五處馬場,墨爾本也有三處,我還看到一處空地,豎起木牌,書明這是新馬場的所在地,連人口僅三萬多人的堪培拉也有一個馬場。 |
Australian newspapers provide horse racing news almost every day, taking up several pages. More horse racing forecasts and reports can be found in commercial radio. Just simply turn on the radio, and you will hear them for sure. | 澳洲的報紙幾乎每天都有賽馬新聞,而且佔去幾版篇幅。商營電台更多賽馬預測及賽馬報告,只要扭開收音機,包管你可以收到。 |
We followed the guidance of a communication official of the Victoria Government to the Fleming ton Racecourse, which is four miles from the city center. The official was full of witty remarks all the way. He told us that horse racing is the largest sport in Australia with the most participants involved. I thought it was a pity that so many people were there just to watch the horse race. The official then claimed that the Flemington Racecourse we were heading to is the largest racecourse in Australia. However, one of my companions corrected him immediately, saying that the largest racecourse is said to be in Sydney. The official rephrased that it’s the largest in Melbourne anyway. It is said that this racecourse pays the government £500,000 (RM 3.45 million) in taxes each year. |
我們一行人由維多利亞州政府的一位交際官員引導到弗萊明頓馬場,這馬場離市中心四里,一路上這位先生妙語如珠,他說賽馬是澳洲最大規模的運動,參加的人比什麼運動都要多。我心裡想,可惜這許多人全是看馬兒運動。他又說我們將去參觀的弗萊明頓馬場是澳洲最大的。馬上有一位同伴更正他說,聽說悉尼的馬場才是最大的。這位先生說,無論如何,它是墨爾本最大的了。據說這個馬場每年向政府所繳的稅達五十萬鎊(馬幣三百四十五萬元)。 |
Jockey Club members Are Mostly Middle-Aged Regardless how high this racecourse ranks in Australia, it does have a larger field than the Singapore Racecourse, which is known as the largest racecourse in the Far East. Members and non-members entered from different gates. For non-members, the standing tickets for males were 15 and a half shillings, while for females were 11 shillings. In the centre of the grandstand, female members were seated on the left and the male members were seated on the right. There were only male members in the male area, while in the female members’ area, there were a few males mixed in. It turned out that in the female members’ area, it was allowed to bring the husbands in. But in the male members’ area, bringing the wives in was prohibited for unknown reasons. |
馬會會員多是中年人 不管這個馬場在澳洲是占第幾位,確實比被稱為遠東最大馬場的星加坡馬場為大。會員和非會員不同門出入,非會員的入門券,沒有坐席的,男子是十五先令半(約馬幣五元四角),婦女是十一先令。中央的大看台,左邊是女會員席,右邊是男會員席。在男會員席中是清一色男人,在女會員席中,卻雜有少數男子。原來女會員席中是可以帶先生入坐的,男會員席中則不許太太入坐。到底是什麼原因,便不得而知了。 |
I noticed that most of the people in the grandstand, both males and females, were middle-aged or older. When I asked my Australian friends about the reason, they told me that this jockey club was the oldest in Melbourne, the membership of which was very restrictive. People who wanted to join the club had to wait for years before they could actually get in. They wouldn’t have their turns until their middle age. | 我發覺在大看台的人,無論男女,多是中年以上的。我向澳洲朋友探問原因,他們說這個馬會是墨爾本最老的一個,會員資格限制極嚴,入會者須等多年才能如願以償,所以只有上了中年的人,才等得到入會。 |
That day was the day for the so-called international horse race. In one of the races, jockeys from several countries, including Britain, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Germany, and other countries, were invited to compete against Australian jockeys. Nonetheless, Australian jockeys still won. As an old Chinese saying goes, even a dragon is not able to suppress a local serpent. The crowd on this day was around 50,000 to 60,000 people, which was not large. Usually, there were 70,000 to 80,000 people in the racecourse and the peak was 110,000. But if it was compared with the total population in Melbourne, the crowd in the racecourse had been fairly large already. |
這一天是所謂國際大賽馬,有一場是由好幾國的騎師,和澳洲各騎師比賽,他們是向英國、印度、巴基斯坦、南非、德國等國邀請來的,結果還是澳洲騎師獲勝,這大概是強龍難壓地頭蛇了。這一天觀眾並不算很多,大概有五六萬人,通常可以達到七八萬人,最多時是十一萬人。如果與以人口做比例,這比例當然是相當大的 |
“Bookies” Bet on Horse Races Publicly in the Racecourse Horse betting here is quite different from the one in Singapore and Malaysia. First, there is no big lottery or cash lottery, only genuine horse betting, which means that you put your money on the horse you favour. Second, there are public and private betting on horse races. In the case of public betting, one buys a horse racing lottery ticket from jockey clubs, the price of which is five shillings per ticket. After the horse race is finished, the amount of money collected will be deducted from the tax and then distributed to the lottery ticket holder of the horse that comes out on top in the race, which is the same horse betting used in jockey clubs in Singapore and Malaysia. Private betting, however, is done with “bookies”. In Australia, “bookies” collect bets at the racecourse. In the open field behind the grandstand, “bookies” each put up an umbrella and stood on a small case, shouting loudly for more people to bet on horses. The tags with horses’ names were just next to each of the “bookies”, and what was next to those name tags were numbers that could be rotated. The numbers refer to how much you bet on. For example, if you choose to bet on one to a hundred, you need to pay £1 to make the bet. Once the horse you bet on wins the first place, the “bookie” will then pay you £100. The market for horses varies from time to time. If more and more people place their bets on a horse, bookies will lower the betting value of this horse to one to eighty or one to fifty. When someone places a bet with a “bookie”, he needs to select a horse to bet on and pay for the bet. After that, the “bookie” will write some unrecognisable words with a pen on a piece of specially printed paper, which look quite like Daoist magic writings (fuwen 符文) written by a Daoist priest (daoshi 道士). |
“卜基”在場內公開賭馬 這裡賭馬和星馬頗有不同的地方。第一,沒有大彩票及現金彩票,只有道地的賭馬,把錢押在你所看中的馬身上。第二,賭馬有公賭及私賭。公賭是向馬會買馬票,每張五先令。馬跑完後,按所收金額扣稅之後分配給買中名列前茅的馬兒的馬票執有人,這和星馬馬會的賭法相同。私賭是向“卜基”賭。澳洲的“卜基”是在馬場收賭的,他們就在大看台後面的空地上,各張太陽傘一把,立在小箱子上,大聲叱喝,拉人賭馬,他身旁豎起馬名牌子,馬名之旁有可以轉動的數目字,這個數目字就是代表以一賭若干,如果是一賭一百,便是你付一鎊錢賭注,這頭馬跑頭名後,“卜基”便賠一百鎊錢。馬的行情是隨時不同的,如果行情看漲,“卜基”便把這頭馬的賭值壓低,改為一賭八十,或一賭五十。有人向他下賭注時,選定了馬,交了賭注,他便在一張特印的紙上用筆龍飛鳳舞的划上看不出是字的筆劃,頗似道士劃的符。 |
There were at least hundreds of green umbrellas at this racecourse in Melbourne. That is to say, there were hundreds of “bookies” gathering here. Apart from those “bookies”, gamblers were also walking around and visiting different “bookies”, which made the racecourse look like a huge party. |
在墨爾本這個馬場上,最少有成百頂綠布傘,也就是說有成百個“卜基”,加上賭客如流水一般的穿來插去,實在是熱鬧萬分。 |
These “bookies” are licensed by the jockey club and they pay taxes to the government. Therefore, they are able to operate their business just opposite the horse racing lottery ticket office of the jockey club. Though the gambling methods of both sides are different, gamblers can still bet on whatever they like and bet as much as they want. | 這些“卜基”是得馬會許可的,也向政府納稅的,所以與馬會的售馬票處遙遙相對的各做生意。雙方的賭法不同,賭客各擇所好,大賭特賭就是了。 |
Bet on Which Fly Climbs Faster Australia has a saying indicating their love for gambling, “Even just seeing some flies crawling on the wall, Australians would bet on which fly climbs faster.” |
賭哪個蒼蠅爬得快 澳洲有一句俗諺形容他們的好賭:“澳洲人看見蒼蠅在壁上爬,也會下賭注,賭哪一個蒼蠅爬得快。” |
I had not been in Australia for long, so I wasn’t sure if Australians were addicted to gambling to such an extent. However, later I met an Australian lady at the racecourse, and we had a chat. I asked about the outcome of betting on horses. She told me that she bet ten shillings on a horse on behalf of her child with her child’s secret money. Unfortunately, she lost. I asked how old her child was, and she said, “Only ten years old.” | 我雖然在澳洲時日無多,不知澳洲人嗜賭程度之深是否到了如此程度。但我卻在馬場上遇到一位澳洲太太,在閑談之中,問起賭馬的輸贏,她說她的孩子把藏下的十仙令托她下注,不幸竟輸了。我問她的孩子是多大了,她說:“還只十歲。”段落 |
Among our group, including four Australian friends, there were ten people in total. Since I had never been interested in horse racing, I was just there to observe. Nine of them placed their bets more or less. By the end of the race, eight lost, only a Malaysian friend got luck and won. He bet ten shillings with ‘Bookie’ at one to eight odds, and his horse came in first, winning four pounds. | 我們一行人中,連四位澳洲朋友,一共是十個人,我因為一向對賭馬沒有興趣,所以只是看看而已,他們九位都或多或少的下了注。到終場時,結算下來,八個輸了,只有那位馬來朋友是幸運兒,向‘卜基’下了十仙令一賭八的注,馬兒跑頭名,贏了四鎊錢。 |
Russell Street And Little Bourke Street Where Overseas Chinese Gather The number of overseas Chinese in Melbourne is second only to Sydney, which is relevant to the discovery of golden mines back in the early times. The overseas Chinese back then called Melbourne as a new gold mine. However, overseas Chinese has no longer worked as gold miners nowadays. Currently, most of overseas Chinese are running business. Those who run large business mainly deal in exportation and importation trade or fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale. Most of the small business are located at Russell Street and Little Bourke Street, among which include restaurants, grocery stores, Chinese local products, antique shops, Tengqi shops, and Chinese herb shops. One day before nightfall, I wandered over to Little Bourke Street, and found that the Chinese labour union, which was located in an alley, has already closed. I also saw quite a few advertisements pasted on the wall of the alley entrance. There were three or four restaurant rental advertisements written on red paper. Those advertisements were all saying that they were trying to get out of the business. I heard people say that most of the overseas Chinese in Melbourne are running restaurants, but the business is not so easy these days, so some people are trying to get out of the business. There was a big poster from the Chinese Association, saying that they were recruiting students for Chinese and English courses. The courses would be held for two or three hours a week, with the date and the name of the Chinese Association on the back of the poster. |
華僑聚集的羅素街和小布克街 墨爾本的華僑人數,僅次於悉尼,這和當初發現金礦有關,華僑還稱墨爾本為新金山。現在已經沒有華僑採金了,目前在墨爾本的華僑多數營商,規模大者經營出入口貿易及生果蔬菜批發。小商業多設在羅素街和小布克街。這裡有餐館、什貨店,中國特產及古玩店、籐器店,而且還有藥材店。有一天傍晚時分,我曾到小布克街,橫巷裡的中華公會已經關上了門。我在巷口的牆上看到好些招貼。這裡面有三四張是用紅紙寫的,餐館招盤的啟事。理由都是志圖別業,我聽人說華僑在墨爾本雖以開餐館者為多,但餐館生意近來也不容易做,所以便有人要脫手了。有一張大招貼是中華公會的,這是中文補習班及英文補習班招生啟事。每星期上課兩三小時,後面是日期及中華公會的名銜。 |
When I was checking through these advertisements, there was a sound of something made of bone hitting china. The sound was from a little/secret door with the portiere shut. As I looked over the door, two people were standing at the door in a sneaky way. I suspected that people were playing Fan-tan inside and one of them was killing it. Later I got the answer from people as a confirmation. They drew out four bone buttons at a time until there were only either one, two, three or four buttons left in the heap. It was said that many of the overseas Chinese were only generous on gambling but frugal on living expenses. However, the semi-public venue for gambling was the unexpected part. |
正在我看這些招貼的時候,斜對面一個垂着門帘的小門裡傳來一陣骨制的東西碰到瓷器的聲音,我仔細看看,這門口站着兩位鬼鬼祟祟的人物。後來我向人探問一下,果然證實了我的猜測,這裡在開番攤,大殺三方。他們由計算骨鈕數目,以定一、二、三、四。據說,許多華僑平日節食省用,唯有賭博卻很慷慨。但使我驚奇的倒是這種賭博,居然能在這裡半公開的進行。 |
I also saw an elderly overseas Chinese at the corner, his hair completely white, and his clothes worn and tattered. As the evening approached and the chill set in, he was tucking his hands into his sleeves. Seeing his weary expression, I couldn’t help but feel heartbroken. | 我也在巷角看到一位老華僑,頭髮全白了,衣衫破舊不堪,這時天色漸晚,已有寒意,他正把手套進衣袖裡,看他神色的憔悴,不禁令人心酸。 |
Suddenly, laughter came from behind. When I turned around, I saw two young overseas Chinese walking with an Australian lady. They were chatting and having a good laugh. I then left the street. | 突然後面傳來一陣笑聲,回頭一望,是兩位年輕的華僑帶着澳洲女郎走過來,他們正在愉快地談笑,我也隨着離開了這條街。 |
Tales from the Singapore Restaurant At the street corner was Russell Street. Turning right, there were several restaurants, one of which had the name ‘Singapore Restaurant’ written in Chinese on the front window. This intrigued me to try Singaporean cuisine. Upon entering, I noticed five to seven Australians dining inside. The waiter was Cantonese. Despite scanning the menu, I couldn’t find any Singaporean dishes, so I randomly ordered a bowl of wonton. At the adjacent table sat an Australian appeared drunk, muttering to himself. When the waiter asked him to leave, he refused. All the waiter could do was drag the drunkard out of the restaurant and give him a shove. The drunkard kept cursing and said he’d be back. |
新加坡酒家所見 街口便是羅素街,往右拐有好幾家餐館,有一家在店前玻璃上書着中文「新加坡酒家」,引起我想嘗嘗新加坡風味的食品,進去一看,正有五七個澳洲人在進食,夥計是廣府人,我在菜單上並不曾找到新加坡的食品,便隨便要了一碗雲吞。隔桌是一位澳洲人,自言自語,顯然是醉了,夥計請他走,他又不肯離去,最後夥計只好下硬工夫,把他拉出店外,然後一推,那位酒徒口裡還咒罵不休,說他一定要倒回來。 |
The wonton I ordered was served. I scooped a wonton with the spoon. The wonton wrapper tasted a little thick. The stuffing was insipid and I couldn’t tell what it is. Disappointed, I asked the waiter for the bill, which only cost me one shilling. I paid the bill and left. | 我要的雲吞也來了。用湯匙撈了一個,雲吞皮總有一分厚,咬下去,餡子不知是什麼做的,淡而無味,只好放下湯匙,問夥計多少錢,他只要一個仙令,我付了賬,便走了。 |
Last night, I treated some new friends to dinner at a reputedly top Chinese restaurant. I found the taste of the dishes much worse than those at the Pearl Market in Singapore. |
上一夜,我是給幾位新相識的朋友,在一家據說是最好的中國菜館請吃飯,我覺得菜的滋味,比新加坡珍珠巴剎的差遠了。 |
On my last night in Melbourne, Wen Yongchen the calligrapher came to the hotel to see me. He had arrived in Australia several months earlier and had held calligraphy exhibitions in both Sydney and Melbourne. Soon, he would be heading to Rabaul on the island of New Britain, which is part of Australian New Guinea. It’s said that many overseas Chinese are living there. Since leaving Malaysia, he had traveled to various countries in Canada and Central America, and he planned to visit the United States someday. Being able to travel the world with his talent was truly remarkable. | 我在墨爾本的最後一晚,神眼書法家溫永琛到旅館裡來找我,他是早幾個月便到澳洲,他在悉尼和墨爾本都開過書法展覽會,不久又要到澳屬新不列顛島的拉布爾去了。據說那邊有不少華僑。他說自離開馬來亞後,這幾年來,他到過加拿大、中美洲各國,他還打算去美國走一遭。神眼真可稱得上‘挾一技之長,周遊各國’了。 |
That night, we took an overnight bus and headed to the capital of South Australia, Adelaide. | 這一晚我們乘夜車,在車上過夜,到南澳首府亞特萊。 |
(The translation below is for page 106-112 of the book) The Tertiary Education in Australia For students in Singapore and Malaysia, the most popular destination for studying abroad is Australia. According to the spokesperson from the Australian High Commission in Singapore, there were 4,000 students in total from both countries choosing to further their studies in Australia in 1959. The number of students who chose Britain as their study destination was over 2,000 as well, many of whom were sponsored by the Commonwealth Scholarship. Kirkby and Brinsford Lodge, two teaching training colleges in Britain, had already accounted for around 500 to 600 of all sponsored students. For international students, it was rather difficult to obtain a place in a formal university. Sometimes, even the students who earned the Queen’s Scholarship had to wait for a whole year before enrolment, not to mention those self-funded students. In this circumstance, Australia is an alternative option with lower tuition. |
(以下部分為書中106-112頁內容) 澳洲的高等教育 星馬學生到外國升學的,以到澳洲者為最多,據駐星澳洲專員公署發言人謂一九五九年中兩地合計當達四千人之眾。在英國的留學生亦在兩千名以上,其中聯合邦官費生人數頗多,喀比和布林斯福勞治的師資訓練學院便佔了五六百名,海外的學生要在正式的大學覓得學額非常的困難。在星馬獲得皇后獎學金的學生,要入牛津或劍橋大學,有時也得等上一年,才能入學,至於一般的私費生更不必說了。在這種情形下,澳洲便是第二條出路,而且費用也比較便宜。 |
There are nine universities and two university colleges in Australia. But only the Australian National University is a national university, which is located in Canberra, the capital of Australia. It is actually a research institution. Only those who have a master’s degree can enrol as a research student. The rest of the universities are state universities and they are all comprehensive, except for the New South Wales University of Technology in Sydney. The table below is arranged in order of the establishment of these universities: Universities & Location University of Melbourne: Melbourne, Victoria University of Adelaide: Adelaide, South Australia University of Tasmania: Hobart, Tasminia University of Queensland: Brisbane, Queensland University of Western Australia: Perth, Western Australia Australian National University: Canberra, the Capital of Australia New South Wales Technology Universit: Sydney, New South Wales New England University College: Armidale, New South Wales Canberra University College: Canberra New Castle University College: New Castle, New South Wales |
澳洲有九家大學和兩家大學學院。其中只有一家是國立的,即設在首都坎貝拉的澳洲國立大學,實際上它是一所研究院,要有碩士學位才能入學作研究生。其他的大學均屬州立,除了悉尼的新南威爾士工藝大學之外,都是綜合性的大學。下表是依大學設立的先後排序: 大 學 校 址
悉尼大學 新南威爾士州悉尼市 墨爾本大學 維多利亞州墨爾本市 亞特萊大學 南澳亞特萊市 塔斯曼尼亞大學 塔斯曼尼亞州哈巴特市 昆士蘭大學 昆士蘭州布里斯本市 西澳大學 西澳州柏斯市 澳洲國立大學 首都坎貝拉 新南威爾士工藝大學 新南威爾士州阿米達市 新英格蘭大學學院 南威爾士州紐卡塞市 |
I have visited universities in Sydney, Queensland, Melbourne, Adelaide and the Australian National University in Canberra. Also, I have had conversations with professors and students from Singapore and Malaysia as well. Generally speaking, the academic system in Australia is similar to that of Britain. Arts, science and business schools have a study duration of three years. Students have to study for an extra year if they want to obtain an Honours degree. The study duration of engineering is four years, whereas architecture is five and medical is six. | 我參觀過悉尼、昆士蘭、墨爾本、亞特萊各大學和坎貝拉的國立大學,也曾經跟教授們和星馬同學們談過話。一般而言,澳洲的學制是和英國相似,文理商學院是三年畢業,要得榮譽學位便須多讀一年。工學院是四年,建築科五年,醫科六年。 |
The one difference between Australian universities and universities in Britain or the United States is that every university has night school courses for working young people who want to spend their free time at night furthering their studies, except for medical schools and a few schools of natural sciences or engineering that require daytime internships. In the case of the University College of Canberra, there are more students enrolled in night school courses than in day school classes, since most of these students are civil servants. Therefore, the study duration of night school courses is naturally longer. |
澳洲大學有一點和英美大學最不相同的地方,便是除了醫科及若干必須日間實習的自然科學或工科之外,每一家大學都有一夜學班,專供職業青年利用夜間餘暇進修。像坎貝拉大學學院,讀夜學班的學生比日班的學生多,原因是這些學生多是公務員。夜學班的修業年限自然較長。 |
Most Australian universities allow students to continue to pursue master’s and doctoral degrees after graduating with a bachelor’s degree. | 澳洲的大學大都可供學生畢業之後,繼續修碩士及博士學位。 |
The Yearly Growing Number of Young People Enrolling in Universities We had a conversation with Professor Robert, the Chancellor of the University of Sydney. He said that the problem all Australian universities need to deal with is the yearly growing number of young people enrolling in universities. With the increasing number of students, universities need to build up more campus buildings, bring in more facilities and hire more staffs correspondingly without a loss in teaching standard. |
要入學的青年逐年增加 我們曾經和悉尼大學的副校長羅勃特教授談話。他說澳洲的大學所面對的困難是要入大學的青年逐年增加,學校便得設法增加校舍、設備和教職員,同時又希望教學水準不致降低。 |
The University of Sydney, founded in 1850, is the oldest university with the largest number of students in Australia. There are ten faculties with over 9,000 students. Students from the Medical Faculty account for the most, with almost 2,000 students. Over 300 students at the university are from Singapore and Malaysia, which is the largest international student group among all students from Asian countries. They have a student association, the university asked two Malaysian students from the association to be our guides during our tour. | 悉尼大學是澳洲歷史最久、學生最多的一家大學,創立於一八五零年,學生有九千多人,分十個學院,以醫學院學生最多,將近兩千名。全校有星馬學生三百多人,為亞洲各國留學生最多者。他們組織有學生會,我們參觀時,學校當局便請了兩位馬來亞同學做我們的嚮導。 |
Like the layout of Cambridge University in Britain, a quadrangle is surrounded by old corridors, with spires on the rooftops, big and small, reflecting exquisite silhouettes in the blue sky. The hall is glazed with tinted windows. Looking down from upstairs, we saw hundreds of people focusing on the exam intensely. It’s said that each faculty has its own building. | 校舍也跟英國的劍橋大學一樣,古老的樓廊抱着一座四方院,屋頂上有大大小小的尖塔,在藍天中現出玲瓏的剪影。大廳的玻璃窗也鑲上染色玻璃,我們從樓上望下去,廳里好幾百人正在聚精會神的考試。據說每一個學系都有獨立的大樓。 |
The University of Melbourne and the University of Adelaide are also rich in antique beauty, as the former one was founded only three years after the University of Sydney and the latter was founded 24 years later. However, among all state universities, the University of Melbourne is the only one equipped with a synchrotron for nuclear physics research. New campus buildings are being constructed at the University of Queensland, with the chemistry, geology, physics and biology buildings already completed. These buildings, made from Queensland red sandstone, are arranged in a semi-circle surrounding the central building. On the top floor of the central building is a folklore museum displaying aboriginal tools from Australia and the South Pacific islands. | 成立只較悉尼大學遲三年的墨爾本大學,和遲了二十四年的亞特萊大學,也是古色古香。但墨爾本大學是州立大學中,唯一裝設有研究核子物理的同步加速器,以供研究之用。昆士蘭大學正在建新校舍,已完成的有化學、地質、物理及生物大樓,以半圓形繞着中央的大學本部的大樓,全部是用本州所產紅沙石建成。大樓的頂層為民俗博物館,陳列澳洲及南太平洋島嶼土著的用具。 |
The University of Western Australia locates on the Swan River foreshore. A square bell tower rises from the greenery. The view is splendid. | 西澳大學在天鵝河濱,青蔥的樹木中,矗立起一座方形的鐘樓,校景絕美。 |
Classes in Australian universities are scheduled for five full days a week. Since the coursework is quite stressful, students are very busy. However, the attendance is not monitored. Students are free to skip classes if they are not worried about repeating the year. | 澳洲的大學每周上課五天,但上下午都有課,功課頗緊,所以學生都很忙,不過不上課也沒有人管,如果不怕留級的話。 |
Issues to Solve in Australian Universities When we were in Australia, the Murray Committee, which investigates the current state and development plans of universities in Australia, published a report. The Chairman of the Committee is Sir Kezia Mullet, who is also the Chairman of the Universities Grants Committee (UGC). The report points out that due to the surging population of metropolises and the rapid development of industry in Australia, the number of people wishing to go to universities and the demand for university graduates are both increasing. In 1957, there were 36,465 university students in Australia, and it is expected to increase by 94% with 70,785 university students by 1965. The Murray Committee suggested that the federal government allocate a huge fund to all state governments for more university facilities. |
澳洲大學所面對的問題 我們在澳洲的時候,調查澳洲各大學現狀及其發展計劃的穆萊委員會發表了一個報告書。這個調查委員會主席是英國大學撥款委員會主席凱茲穆萊。報告書指出因為澳洲大都市人口迅速增加,和工業急激發展,造成了希望受大學教育的人,和對大學畢業生需求增加的雙重現象。一九五七年澳洲的大學生人數是三六、四六五人,預料到一九六五年將有七零、七八五人,增加九十四巴仙。委員會建議由聯邦政府撥出巨款協助各州政府擴充大學設備。 |
The report also discusses the high failure rates in Australian universities. After investigating the grades of students who enrolled in 1951 among six Australian universities, they came up with the following results. Among every hundred students:
這個報告書也討論到澳洲大學的學生考試不及格率甚高的問題。他們調查了澳洲六家大學在一九五一年入學的學生成績後,得到下列結果,每一百名學生中: (一)在第一年級學年考試及格者僅有六十一名。 (二)能夠逐年升級,在規定年限畢業的學生,僅有三十五名。 (三)已畢業及能夠畢業者,總共僅有五十八名。 |
The committee considers this to be a serious issue, as the efficiency of universities is diminished by the high failure rates. They believe there are multiple reasons for this. For example, Australian students receive 12 to 18 months less of tertiary education than British students, which leads to inadequate school experience of Australian students. There is a huge difference between classes in high school and university. In university, students have difficulties concentrating on lectures with five to six hundred students after transitioning from classes with 30 to 40 students in high school. Improvements are also required in both courses and teaching methods. A 60% increase in staff is necessary to match the same proportion of staff to students in British universities. | 委員會認為這是很嚴重的問題,減低了大學的效率。他們認為原因甚多,諸如學生入學前程度不足,比英國學生少受十二個月至十八個月的高等學校教育。中學和大學上課差別甚大,由三四十人一班的中學到大學上五六百人一齊聽講的大課,學生注意力不易集中。此外課程和講授方法都需改善:教職員也需增加六十巴仙,才能和英國大學的教職員與學生人數比例相等。 |
According to records of British universities in 1951, approximately 17% students failed to graduate. For Australian universities, it would be satisfying enough if the graduation rate rises to 80%. | 根據一九五一年英國大學的記錄,不能畢業的學生約佔十七巴仙,如果澳洲大學的畢業率能達到八十巴仙,便可令人滿意了。 |
Research Institutes of the Australian National University The Australian National University in Canberra is the best academic institution in Australia, and there are four research institutes: Medical science, Physics, Social Sciences, and Pacific Studies. Each research institute is divided into multiple divisions. When we were in the Institute of Physics, we were received by the director, Dr. Oliphant, Australia’s most famous quantum physicist. He explained to us the important research work done at the Institute. Within the Institute are the Astronomy and Geophysics Divisions, the Astronomy Division peers into the mysteries of the universe, and the Geophysics Division studies the nature of the earth, the causes of magnetic fields and their variations. The Division of Nuclear Physics and the Division of Proton Physics study the tiniest substances in the universe. In addition, there are the Division of Radiochemistry and the Division of Theoretical Physics. In the laboratory, a synchrotron with a voltage of 3.3 million volts is being built. |
國立大學的研究所 設在坎貝拉的國立大學是澳洲最高的學術機關,一共分為四個研究所:(一)醫學,(二)物理學;(三)社會科學;(四)太平洋研究。每個研究所下另分學部,我們在物理學研究所里,由所長奧里芬接見。他是澳洲最有名的量子物理學家;他向我們解釋在這個研究所內所做的重要研究工作。 他們有天文學部和地球物理學部,前者窺探宇宙的奧秘,後者研究地球的性質,磁場的原因及其變動。核子物理學部和質子物理學部則是研鑽宇宙中最微小的物質;此外便是放射性化學部和理論物理學部。在實驗室內,正在建造一具有三百三十萬伏特電壓的同步加速器。 |
There are also six divisions in the Medical Research Institute, which are studying in biochemistry, experimental pathology, medicinal chemistry, microbiology, physiology and pharmaceuticals. The building of this institute, covering an area of 160,000 square feet, has just completed. The total cost of the building and new equipment is £4,000,000. It is said to be the largest and best-equipped institute among similar institutes in the Commonwealth. | 在醫學研究所中,也分為六個學部,研究生物化學、實驗病理學、藥物化學、微生物學、生理學及製藥學。這座研究所建築完成不久,面積十六萬平方尺,連設備的費用將近四百萬鎊。據說在英聯邦同性質的研究所中是規模最大、設備最完善的。 |
The Australian National University was established only after the war, so the school buildings are newly constructed. There are dormitories on campus, and accommodating in these dormitories is compulsory for unmarried students. |
國立大學是戰後才設立,所以校舍都是新建起來,並有宿舍,未婚的學生必須在校內住宿。 |
Industrial colleges for training technicians Australia’s industrial education is extremely well-developed, and each state has several industrial colleges to train technicians or to provide further education for young people on the job. These colleges have a relatively short duration and only offer a diploma instead of degree upon graduation. After graduating from an industrial college, some young people who wish to further their education can enrol in a bachelor’s degree program at industrial universities in Sydney. |
訓練技術人員的工業學院 澳洲的工業教育極發達,每一個州都有幾間工業學院,以訓練技術人員,或供在職的青年進修。這種學院修業年限較短,畢業後只能得到文憑,而沒有學位。有些青年在工業學院畢業後,再要深造,可以插入悉尼的工業大學,修學士學位。 |
(The translation below is for page 118 of the book) Afterword At the end of 1957, I was invited to visit Australia. I seldom had any rest during the 20 days I spent in Australia. Along the way, I roughly travelled through this country and I saw that it is developing in rapid pace, and thus the people were able to enjoy a high standard of living. The distance between Australia and Singapore and Malaysia is great, but in recent years, due to the large number of students coming to Australia to study and the increase in trade, the relationship has become closer and closer, but generally speaking, both the people of Singapore and Malaysia to Australia, and the people of Australia to Singapore and Malaysia are very limited in their knowledge. This booklet may help readers in Singapore and Malaysia to get a general idea of what Australia is all about. |
(以下部分為書中118頁內容) 後記 一九五七年末,我受邀訪澳,在澳洲的二十多天中,很少有休息的時候, 一路走馬看花的見到這個國家,正在以飛快的速度發展,因而人民得以享受高度的生活水準。澳洲和星馬距離匪遙,近年來,因大批學生赴澳留學,以及貿易增加,關係也越來越密切,但一般而言,不管是星馬人民對澳洲,還是澳洲人民對星馬的認識都是很有限的。這本小冊子也許能夠幫助星馬的讀者瞭解澳洲的大概情形。 |
Several of the stories here will be published one after another in Sin Chew Daily, and only the last two have been written recently. These two pieces describe tertiary education and international students in Australia, and can be used as a reference for young people who are planning to go to Australia for further studies. July, 1959 |
這裡的幾篇報道,會在星洲日報陸續刊出,只有最後兩篇是最近才寫的。這兩篇介紹了澳洲的高等教育及留學生的情況,可供打算赴澳升學的青年參考。 一九五九年七月 |
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