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Mr. Liang Qichao 梁啟超 [1] was earnestly invited by fellow townsmen from Glen Innes port multiple times, and on January 15 (Lunar Year: December 25), he traveled with friends such as Bao Chi 鮑熾, Luo Chang 羅昌, and Chen Shou 陳壽 by train. Other friends bid farewell to them at the train station. The next day, the local Chinese merchant who established the Guangshenghe 廣生和 brand and his fellow townsmen warmly welcomed him with a carriage at the train station. At 8:15 in the morning, Mr. Liang arrived by carriage. Comrades proudly displayed the Chinese emblem as a sign of respect, and invited Mr. Liang into the Guangshenghe store, shaking hands and seating as hosts and guests while introducing themselves. After enjoying tea, they promptly invited Mr. Liang and his companions to relax at the Westerners Hotel (西人大酒店 Xiren Hotel) [2]. Finishing breakfast, they took a carriage to explore the scenic beauty of the port, admiring the majestic mountains and unique formations of the rugged peaks. The delightful scenery brought joy and pleasure, reminiscent of wandering through the paths of the shadow of the lofty mountains and the wondrous shapes of the steep hills, truly capturing the breathtaking beauty that even the legendary Elder Nanhua (Zhuangzi) [3] would find remarkable. The fun excursion was over and they were so happy that they forgot their tiredness, having traveled over 15 miles. Suddenly seeing the sunset, they returned to the carriage. The Chinese merchants held a banquet at Guangshenghe, with Mr. Liang taking a seat and expressing gratitude for the generous hospitality, accepting the gifts and the prepared carriage. Mr. Liang felt inspired and expressed, “Today, I am deeply grateful for the comrades’ invitation and hospitality, it is truly unforgettable. Coming to this place and meeting my righteous brothers makes me feel incredibly honored. Also being treated to such a feast, it truly leaves a lasting impression.” The friends humbly responded, expressing their respect for Mr. Liang: “Mr. Liang possesses outstanding talent, is well-rounded, and is appreciated by Emperor Guangxu [4] 光緒 for his knowledge and wisdom. The Emperor selects and appoints talented individuals who can assist him with some consultative advice, initiates reforms in the political and educational systems, and helps the nation in overcoming crises. Also, Mr. Liang has been indignant with social corruption and shown sympathy with people who endured hardship, possessing remarkable abilities that can bring benefits to the masses. In assisting with governmental affairs for almost one hundred days, he has brought about a completely new situation in the country. As the poem said, [5] ‘with a relaxed and peaceful approach to governance, abundant blessings and fortunes are bestowed upon the country.’ However, the nation is occupied by ruthless and authoritarian jackals and tigers, wielding power like ferocious beasts. They envy us Han people, inflict harm upon the descendants of the Chinese, unjustly accuse those of us who stand for justice, assassinate faithful ministers, and cast a shadow over China’s bright future, plunging it into uncertainty and darkness. Thankfully, faithful and upright ministers are all blessed, so Mr. Liang can have the opportunity to escape perilous situations and receive support from other nations. Those who have the same ambition as Mr. Liang all admire and look up to his deed. Mr. Liang deeply worries about the Emperor being confined within the palace, and he spares great effort to safeguard him. Thus, disregarding personal safety, Mr. Liang travels far to rouse compatriots, gathering their collective strength. After witnessing [6] the edict issued by Empress Dowager Cixi (Cixi Taihou 慈禧太后) on December 24 last year (Lunar year: February 12) to depose the Emperor and enthrone a new Emperor this Lunar January, compatriots from China and aboard weep with sorrow and rise in indignant. They soon gather with people who have same ambition, resisting this decree at lightning speed, with spontaneous resistance erupting in over a hundred locations. The Emperor can currently be safe totally depending on Mr. Liang’s tireless efforts.” Following that, everyone raised their glasses in mutual toasts, chanting ‘Long live Emperor Guangxu’ three times with thunderous cheers. People all wished for the Emperor’s quick restoration of imperial authority and his vigorous efforts in governing the nation, so the country can be rescued from its weakened situation. We hope Mr. Liang can resume his role in the Court (chaoting 朝 廷 ) to assist the Emperor, devise new policies as circumstances dictate, promote projects beneficial to China and its citizens, and eradicate existing drawbacks, thus rescuing our people from crisis and shielding overseas compatriots from bullying. As the night grew late, people concluded the banquet and went home. | 梁啟超先生蒙堅連尼士(Glen Innes)埠梓友敦請再四,經於十一月廿五日, 偕鮑熾、羅昌、陳壽諸君乘火車,同志送別直上。該埠華商廣生和,翌日與梓友 備駟馬高車,恭迎於車 站。時八點十五分鐘,先生乘車抵埠。同志高懸中國徽 章示敬,並邀先生進廣生和商店,握 手分主賓而坐,各道姓名。茶罷,即請先 生與同行各友詣西人大酒店憩息片時。朝膳畢,乘駟馬車游於埠之左右,覽崇山 之勝景,眺峻岭之奇形。怡情悅目,樂意騁懷,載馳載驅,如入山陰道上,真有 美不勝收之慨,南華老者之逍遙不是過也。樂哉游乎!然樂而忘倦,程途已 逾 五十里矣。倏見夕陽西墜,遂亦回車。華商設宴於廣生和寶號,先生就席,先謝 適館授餐之隆情、折柬備車之雅意。於是興而言曰:“今日小弟既蒙列位同志不 餘暇棄,敦請之恩,實越恆格。到游貴埠,得見列位義士兄,真令小弟感激不已。 又蒙設筵款待,躬逢盛宴,殊令小弟銘感五中。”同志謙辭簡慢,並致詞曰:“先生奕世簪纓,胸羅錦繡,腹儲經綸,蒙我皇上知遇之恩,擢錄英才,以備顧問, 變法維新,而濟國家之危。且先生素抱悲天憫人之大志,澤民致君之奇才,輔政 百日,國勢煥然可觀。詩所謂 ‘敷政優優,百祿是遒’。詎意豺狼當道,虎豹司 權,妒忌我漢人,荼毒我華種,冤枉我義士,殺戮我忠臣,使我中華明而復昧, 光而復暗。幸而天佑忠良,先生獲離虎口,又得異國保護。同人欽仰先生念切聖 主被困,思設法以保皇上,於是捨身遠遊,呼醒同胞,合群集力。觀去年十二月 廿四日太后下詔廢皇上,於本正月立新君, 海內外同胞聞之痛哭流涕,奮然興 起,大集同人,飛電抗拒,不期而行者百數十處。皇上今幸無恙者,誠先生之力 也。”言畢,把盞傳杯,觥籌交錯,齊呼光緒皇帝萬歲者三次,歡聲雷動,並祝 我皇上早日復權,勵精圖治,挽弱為強。先生回朝輔相聖主,變通新政,見利者 興,見害者除,拯故國生民於塗炭之中,免海外同胞有魚肉之苦,我籌今日願望 也。時夜既深,遂畢宴而散席焉。 |
On that evening, compatriots were invited in Sydney to attend Mr. Liang’s lecture, and all of them, which was over twenty in total joined us. Mr. Liang said, “I visit foreign countries to find ways to save the country, which is the secret mission assigned to me by the Emperor. Since I arrived in Australia, I have been welcomed and loved by my compatriots and established the Emperor Society [7] in various cities in turn. My Sydney compatriots invited me to travel with them to New South Wales, and I was very happy to see my friends gathered together this evening.” Mr. Liang also said, “China had compensated huge amounts of property and ceded Taiwan since its defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War. The Emperor was very worried and anxious about it, knowing that only reform could help the country become stronger. China is a great country, but it defeated Japan, which is a national shame. This reminded the Emperor that foreign countries became powerful through reform and fell behind if they retained their original rules and systems. At the same time, Kang Youwei 康有為 [8] and others wrote to the Emperor to discuss this issue, explaining the benefits of reform and the disadvantages of conserving old rules and systems in detail. After reading the proposal, the Emperor decisively decided to abolish the eight-legged essay, reform the martial system, establish schools, start mining, build railways, establish hospitals, create a constitution, establish civil rights, and manufacture astronomical, geographical, and waterway weapons and guns. He also decided to stop the Juan-Na (捐納) System [9], fire redundant officials, increase the wages of thrifty and honest officials, and allow people to write letters describing their sufferings to avoid being exploited by cunning and greedy officials. The Emperor accepted these proposals. As long as it was beneficial to the people, the Emperor commanded the officials across the country to earnestly implement it. When people heard the news, they said that China was like a sleeping lion that has now woken up. Unexpectedly, the two traitors Rong and Gang [10] had already wanted to take control of the power, so they invited the Empress Dowager Cixi to rule behind the curtain [11], which caused great disasters — the Emperor was imprisoned in Yingtai 瀛台 [12] and loyal officials were killed. China possesses vast territories on Earth, that neither the British Empire nor Russia can compare to. Moreover, China has a moderate climate and a prosperous population. There are 1.5 billion people in the world, and China accounts for a quarter of the population. The earth in China is rich with an abundance of resources, including gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, coal, and all kinds of grains. If the Reform was strengthened further, China would be invincible, hence no country dares to insult the Chinese. Today, the noble officials are conservative, which leads Chinese people to earn their living overseas. They are always treated with disdain, mockery, and insults, suffering from heavy taxes, detention, and surveillance. So, they swallow their pride, being forced to become inferior under foreign domination. My compatriots complained about the inaction against foreign invaders of the Chinese government and the royal family, while the fact is the feudal Chinese government oppressed people. The Emperor advocates reform while prioritizing the rights of the people. Understanding the suffering of the people, the Emperor aspired for Chinese people to have rights, thus preventing the feudal government from treating them unscrupulously anymore. The Emperor also allowed the provinces and counties to set up newspaper offices, and allow them to publicize the good and bad actions of the government. If the new policies are implemented, my compatriots will not need to leave their parents, wives, and children to go abroad, and thus will not be bullied by foreigners. I hope that all of you can understand the good intentions of the Emperor, and try your best to repay the Emperor’s kindness.” After the speech, the crowd applauded approvingly. Mr. Liang invited Mr. Bao Chi to deliver a speech, and Mr. Bao said: “our Emperor possesses noble virtue, but was framed by treacherous court officials, as Mr. Liang has already mentioned. While I resided in Fremantle Port and Gladstone Port in Western Australia, I heard that Mr. Liang would pass through this area. Then, our compatriots prepared well to welcome Mr. Liang with respect. Upon Mr. Liang’s arrival and during the meeting, the foundation of baohuang hui had already been established, and donations were provided to support this conference. We can also see it from the previous report. Tonight, I noticed that my compatriots all have righteous anger about the current situation of our country. I wish you can contribute more, and this is sincerely what I wish for.” The crowd applauded approvingly again. People thus donate more than 50 pounds. The clock struck 12, so people sent Mr. Liang to the hotel, and then the conference came to an end. |
是晚邀集該埠同胞聽先生演說,埠中只廿人而已,人人皆到。先生言曰:“今 日小弟出遊外國,及承皇上密詔,出外求救。自抵澳洲,既承各埠同胞厚愛,迭 開保皇會。雪梨保皇會同志命弟一游坑上,今晚小弟見到列位同胞如此齊集,不 勝悅意也。”先生謂:“中國自甲午敗於日本,賠巨款、割台灣,皇上處憂積慮, 知非變法維新毋以自強。中國雖大,反敗於日本,致辱國體。思念外國維新則強, 守舊則弱,乃得康先生諸君子上書言事,歷陳維新之利,守舊之弊。皇上覽奏, 毅然銳意廢八股、改武科、興學堂、開礦務、築鐵路、設醫院、立憲法、樹民權。 凡天文、地理、水陸武備、槍炮製造,次第舉行。停捐納、裁冗員、厚廉俸,並 許百姓上書直陳 疾苦,[免]受奸官貪吏剝削。皇上言聽計從,凡有益民之事, 責成通國官府務要實力奉行。天下聞之,咸謂中國睡獅已醒矣。不意榮、剛二賊, 早藏謀竊神器之心,構起滔天之禍,遂請太后復出垂簾聽政,幽皇上於瀛台,誅 逐忠良。我中國居地球大地,雖英、俄莫與京也。且天時氣候又得中和之脈,天 下共有人民一十五百兆,我中國已得四分之一。 地球土產,金、銀、銅、 鐵、 錫、煤、五穀百物,無所不有。如果變法再強,天下無敵,誰敢來侮我哉。今日 守舊,百姓謀食外洋,莫不被人窘逐,笑罵凌辱,或稅、或禁、或監,低首下心, 吞聲忍氣,甘為萬國之下人。而我同胞每怨官府不善,王家不善,其實歷來為王 家官府所壓制。皇上變法,首及民權。蓋洞悉於子民受害,欲子民有權,則官不 敢肆無忌憚也。又許各省州縣設報館,許報章張揚官府之善惡。若使新政既行, 我同胞不必離父母妻子而遠遊外國,被人欺負也。望列位同胞體念皇上如此愛民 之盛心,務宜各發天良,以答君恩於萬一也。”言畢,眾人鼓掌稱善。先生又命 鮑熾先生演說,鮑君言曰:“我皇上聖德,奸臣殘毒,梁先生已言之矣。然弟在 西省非厘文度高爐加地埠,聞先生道經其地,同胞早已預備各事,恭迎先生。及 登岸與眾相見,即成會基,捐助會項。已見前報矣。今晚見我同胞咸有忠憤之心, 望多助會份,弟誠心所願也。”眾又鼓掌稱善。遂揮筆共捐得五十餘鎊。時鐘鳴 十二點,各人送先生往酒店而罷。 |
On January 17th [13], the comrades in Glen Innes port gathered together at 8 am to visit Mr. Liang at his residence. After greeting him, they had breakfast together. After the meal, they invited Mr. Liang and others to tour the port and then visit the hospital to comfort the patients. When the four managers of the hospital heard of Mr. Liang’s arrival, they came to the front of the hospital to greet him, shaking hands and inviting him into the living room. They inquired about his age and the new policies of China. Mr. Bao Chi introduced him and answered questions about his age. Mr. Bao Chi then said, “Emperor Guangxu loves his people and maintains good-neighborliness with near countries; his benevolence is known around the world. He promoted the reform the year before, and Mr. Liang was one of the leaders of the reform and was put in an important position by the Emperor. However, the treacherous court officials who disliked the new policies opposed the Reform, causing a heinous crime, which led to Mr. Liang having to travel abroad to seek solutions.” The Westerners then said, “Emperor Guangxu employed meritocrats to promote the Reform unswervingly. We Westerners have heard of Mr. Liang’s great reputation. It is a great honor to have you visit today.” After speaking, they led Mr. Liang on a tour of the wards. Mr. Liang said kind words to comfort the patients and donated funds to subsidize the hospital. The Westerners expressed their gratitude. After a short rest, they planned to return. The Westerners escorted the gentleman to the hotel and then left. | 西正月十七號,堅連尼士埠諸同志晨早八打鐘,同赴先生寓所請安,隨用早 膳畢,請先生等游於該埠,前往病人院撫慰抱病諸人。該院管理四人聞先生駕臨, 乃出院前迎接,握手為禮,請進客廳坐,問先生春秋幾何,及新政等事。鮑熾先 生為介紹,既以先生之年若干答之。 繼言:“光緒皇帝愛民睦鄰,仁德著於寰宇, 前年改革政治,先生即居維新領袖之列,為皇上所重用者也。嗣因奸臣不喜新政, 釀禍滔天,以致先生有此游列外國事也。”西人再言曰:“光緒帝用賢行政,銳志 維新,先生之盛名,我西人聞之稔矣。今蒙辱臨,三生有幸焉。”言畢,偕先生 遍閱病人房。先生善言慰問,乃捐資以助該院之經費。西人稱謝不已。少座乃告 別而歸,西人送先生至酒樓而後返。 |
That night, the comrades held a banquet at Guangshenghe to welcome Mr. Liang once again, drinking wine in celebration. Mr. Liang delivered a speech and thanked the comrades for their deep respect and affection, saying, “The Emperor was imprisoned in Yingtai and couldn’t even get a bowl of chicken porridge when he wanted it. Now he has gone west to seek refuge, experiencing many disasters, but this was all for the sake of saving our 400 million compatriots. I hope that all comrades can work together to help the Emperor regain his power. Then I would greatly appreciate it.” The comrades heard of the Emperor’s sufferings, drank, and then ended the banquet. Afterward, they chatted for a long time. Late into the night, the comrades escorted Mr. Liang, Luo Chang, Bao Chi, and Chen Shou back to the hotel to rest. | 是晚,同志復設宴於廣生和號,以款先生,舉杯交歡。先生致詞以謝同志敬 愛之深,且曰:“聖上前者困於瀛台,欲求食雞粥而不可得,今又乘輿西幸,蒙 塵艱難,然亦因救我四萬萬人所致也。仰列位同志合力以救聖主復權,則小弟不 飲亦醉矣。”眾同志聞皇上蒙塵之苦,於是盡量而撤席焉。酒後敘談良久,更夜 已深,眾同志乃送先生及羅昌、鮑熾、陳壽諸君回酒樓安睡。 |
The next morning, the comrades went to greet Mr. Liang once again and invited him to discuss current policies at Guangshenghe. After dinner, they invited Mr. Liang to deliver a speech. Mr. Liang stood up and said, “You guys already know the benefits of the reform and the harms of clinging to obsolete traditions. However, the edict issued by the Emperor on the 24th of the Seventh month of 1898 is deeply remembered by our people. The edict states: ‘In order to revitalize our country, we must adopt Western methods, aiming at establishing governance for the people, and Western countries had the same goal. Westerners are more diligent in research, so they can supplement what we have not yet been involved in. Nowadays, intellectuals often have a superficial grasp of what is happening abroad, mistakenly believing that foreign countries lack regulations and possess little knowledge of Western politics. However, Western politics encompasses a myriad of aspects, primarily aimed at enhancing people’s intelligence and improving their lives. Only the essence of politics can cultivate good qualities and prolong a person’s lifetime. Western countries widely promote and implement anything beneficial for people. My hard work on reforms in various systems is not mere pursuit of novelty but stems from genuine care for the people. Chinese people are the blessings of gods and descendants from ancestors, thus ensuring their happiness and harmonious lives is my duty. Additionally, the complex and oppressive international environment hampers my ability to fully utilize my capabilities and realize my vision. Despite my devotion to it, there are still many aspects unknown to the populace. Owing to incompetent officials and conservative intellectuals, not only has my vision failed to reach a wide audience, but false narratives have also spread, leading to confusion and fear among the populace. In some remote regions, many people [14] are still unaware of the new policies, which regret me deeply. Hence, I now declare my intentions for reform, addressing both domestic and international audiences, aiming for widespread understanding of my aspirations. It’s crucial for everyone to trust me, their monarch, unite, and collectively implement the new policies, thus strengthening China. I am filled with hope and anticipation for this endeavor. Best regards.’ Our emperor said this because he knows that China is so vast with rich resources and populace that we can become leisurely and carefree as well. Currently, our compatriots abroad face significant constraints, whether in their work or business activities, due to various restrictions, resulting in the severe deprivation of their rights and interests. Even those who have accumulated wealth and wish to return home have already suffered from insults and bullying. The basic cause of this lies in our conservative approach to development and weak power, which fails to uphold the country’s dignity. The turmoil in Beijing in May stemmed from treacherous officials like Prince Duan (duan wang 端王) [15], Rong Lu, Gang Yi, and others, who harbored long-standing ambitions of usurpation. They stirred up the Boxer Rebellion, leveraging them to start a war with other countries. [16]Their objective was to hinder foreigners and overseas Chinese from honoring and respecting Emperor Guangxu, obstructing their resistance against Empress Dowager’s deposal of the old emperor and enthronement of a new one. Both of us are facing a challenging situation. If now we stand on the opposite, both our situation and yours are precarious. Because if we choose to defeat you to assert our authority, it will harm the emperor and suppress the Han people who will perpetuate their status as Manchu slaves, unable to hold their heads high. Fortunately, divine intervention did not favor the treachery people. Despite their initial victories, they suffered successive defeats and ultimately fled. This resulted in their losing control of the capital city and led them to threaten the emperor went on the western inspection tour. They hoped this would reignite conflict, unleashing their ferocity and venom. However, when Gang Yi encountered the spirits of six deceased emperors in Shanxi, he realized that his time had come, shouting aloud before almost fainting and committing suicide. Recently, the influence of conservative treacherous ministers increasingly has been becoming weak, while the patriots advocating for Hundred Days’ Reform have been becoming powerful. The restoration of the emperor can be realized soon, and the advantages of the new policy obviously can be seen. I hope my compatriots will continue to endeavor and support righteous actions, which will bring enormous well-being to the populace and the country.” After the speech, all the compatriots applauded and praised. Although Mr. Liang’s frank words were an offense to the governor’s will, his cherishing for the populace could be compared to that of Emperor Yao 堯 and Emperor Shun 舜 [17], and it is still moving to tears. Therefore, the compatriots requested Mr. Liang to stay and exchange views on current affairs. Unconsciously, the clock struck twelve, so Mr. Liang was invited to take a rest at the restaurant. | 翌晨,眾同志復往請安。又請先生在廣生和樓上談論時務。晚膳後,請先生 登場演說。先生起言曰:“維新之利,守舊之害,眾同志已咸喻矣。但皇上於戊 戌年七月廿四日所下之上諭,真令我民萬世不能忘也。諭云:‘國家振興庶務, 兼采西法,良以為民立政,中西所同。而西人考究較勤,故可以補我所未及。今 士夫昧於域外之觀者,幾謂彼中全無條教,不知西國政治之學,千端萬緒,主於 為民開其智慧,裕其身家,其精者乃能美人性質,延人壽命,凡生人利益之事, 務令其推廣無遺。朕夙夜孜孜,改圖百度,豈為崇尚新奇。乃眷懷赤子,皆上天 之所畀,祖宗之所遺,非悉使之康樂和親,朕躬不為盡職。加以各國環交凌迫, 尤非取人之所長,不能全我之所有。朕用心至苦,而黎庶猶有未知。職由不肖官 吏,與守舊士夫,不能廣宣朕意,乃反胥動浮言,使小民搖惑驚恐,山谷扶杖之 民,有不獲聞新政者。朕心實為嘆恨。今將變法之意,布告中外,庶使百姓咸喻 朕心,共知其君之可恃,上下同心,以成新政,以強中國,朕不勝厚望焉。欽 此。’夫皇上之用心,以中國地大物博,人民眾多,亦可優遊自得。乃旅外同胞 受人拘縛,為工為商,均被設法以禁制,必咸使我同胞之利權盡奪而後已。苟有 積蓄資財旋歸故國者,亦已在外備受凌辱矣。此無他,皆由守舊積弱,不能伸我 國威也。五月北京之亂,乃奸臣端王、榮祿、剛毅諸賊,久藏篡殺之心,故聳動 團匪,以與外國為難。其中用意,蓋以外國及外洋華民尊崇光緒皇帝,抗阻廢立。 今我與爾為難,戰退汝等,以示我威,則毒害皇上,壓制漢人,永為我滿人奴隸,不敢昂其首也。不意天心攸屬,不佑奸人。始戰而勝,繼戰則敗,又戰而逃。竟 致京城淪陷,挾聖主以西巡,再期死灰復燃,以肆其狠毒也。乃剛毅行至山西, 則見六君在天之靈,前天索命,大呼一聲,昏仆於地而自刎焉。今者守舊奸臣日 弱,維新志士日盛,皇上復辟之期指日可待,新政之善拭目可觀。凡我同胞,仍 望勉勵以助義舉,則萬民幸甚,天下幸甚。”說畢,眾同志鼓掌稱善。然昧上諭 之言,固不讓堯舜之愛民也,真令人感泣不已耳。眾同志於是請先生座談,交詢 時事。忽忽乎不覺鐘鳴十二點矣,乃請先生往酒樓安歇。 |
On the following day on the 19th, many of his compatriots at [18] Wellingrove Port, Inverell Port, and Tingha Port sent telegrams respectfully inviting him to visit them and to deliver a speech about national affairs. On Sunday the 20th, Mr. Liang and others set out for Wellingrove port, and more than ten of his comrades prepared four carriages to take him on the way. Some of the comrades rode two horses as guides and two bicycles [19] followed. The breeze was blowing and raising the dust. After about 13 to 15 miles, Mr. Liang bid farewell to his compatriots, not wanting to be sent far away. The comrades then opened cans of alcohol and soaked up the drink, taking leave of each other with reluctance. However, eight were particularly reluctant to part with Mr. Liang and insisted on escorting him to Wellingrove before returning. They set off on horseback. When they were about three miles from Wellingrove, they encountered eight or nine friends from Wellingrove, coming with three carriages to welcome Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang dismounted and shook hands with them. These friends invited him to visit the port and escorted him to the Inn named Jinshengchang 錦生昌 to rest, while the comrades who had escorted him bid their farewells and returned. | 次日,十九號,則有威治步埠、煙卑爐(Inverell)埠、天架(Tingha)埠眾同胞來電,恭請先生往游,演說國事。二十號,禮拜日,先生等啟程往威治步埠, 同志十餘人乃備四輪車四乘送先生出境。有同志乘馬二匹為先導,又有腳車二堂 為後行。薰風拂拂,塵土騰騰。及至四、五十里之遙,先生告辭,毋勞同胞遠送。 同志乃開樽暢飲,依依而別。然有同志八名眷戀先生,須送至威治步而後返,乃 策馬前行。將至威治步十里之遙,乃見該埠梓里八、九名,駕車三乘前來迎迓, 先生遂下馬握手為禮。該梓友即請進埠,直抵錦生昌號安歇,而送行同志即告別,旋返焉。 |
Last Sunday the 20th, Mr. Liang Zhuoru [20] and others arrived at Wellingrove port. That evening, fellow friends invited Mr. Liang to give a speech, assembling an audience of over a hundred people. Later, some comrades proposed the establishment of the Emperor Society. However, because of the disagreement at the time, the number of members did not grow significantly, and the future remains uncertain. On Tuesday, Mr. Liang and others arrived at Inverell port, accompanied by Huang Huanan 黃煥楠 from Glen Innes Guangshenghe brand. According to a letter from the comrades, the local fellow friends, upon hearing Mr. Liang’s speeches and witnessing his demeanor, were all greatly inspired and enthusiastic. Although there were only about twenty fellow friends in that port, they eagerly joined the society and generously donated membership fees. Mr. Liang gave speeches for two nights, with Tang Lutang 湯祿堂 serving as the chairman and Liu Xianglan 劉湘蘭 and Fang Jinma 方金滿 actively participating in dealing with the affairs. | 上禮拜日二十號,梁卓如先生等抵威治步埠,是晚梓友請先生演說,集聽者 百餘人。後 有同志議開保皇會,而當時人心不一,入會未得眾盛,未卜將來如 何耳。禮拜二日,先生等到 煙卑爐埠,堅連尼士廣生和號之黃君煥楠等隨陪前 往焉。茲據同志來書,極言該埠之梓友得 聞先生之言論,能視先生之丰采,無 不激發忠愛,眉喜色飛,該埠僅廿余梓友,相率入會,樂捐 會項焉。然先生演 說兩晚,湯君祿堂為主席,劉君湘蘭、方君金滿,皆為辦事踴躍雲。 |
On Thursday, Mr. Liang set off for Tingha port. Three comrades from Inverell Port accompanied him on his journey. Sun Shuyuan 孫述遠 and Guo Qing 郭慶, who lived in Tingha, greeted Mr. Liang 6 miles away from Tingha, which showed their deep admiration for Mr. Liang. As for the meeting progress, it was not clear yet and would be reported later with detailed information. | 禮拜四日,先生啟程往天架埠。煙卑爐亦有同志三人隨送而去。而天架之孫 君述遠、郭君慶二人,出境六英里相迎雲,足見其愛敬先生之情深款款矣。至其 會事如何,未聞其詳,尚俟探悉續報。 |
Mr. Liang has visited Glen Innes Port, Inverell Port, Wellingrove Port, Tingha Port, and other ports, and learned who stood with him. Then Mr. Liang visited Tamworth port. Compatriots there had already raised funds for Mr. Liang’s travel. Last Monday, Mr. Liang arrived in Tamworth. Compatriots there were very happy after hearing the news and went to greet him. They supplied Mr. Liang with comfortable accommodation, exquisite viands, and warm hospitality. At night, Mr. Liang gave a speech to list China’s rights and wrongs, gains and losses in all fields, feeling heartbroken. There were only about one hundred compatriots in Tamworth, and most of them came to listen to the speech. As a result, people got angrier and more patriotic, and everyone knew about the emperor’s noble character and the benefits of reform. They supported the emperor to regain power and lead China to become powerful. | 梁卓如先生既游堅連尼士、威治步、煙卑爐、天架等埠,人心可用,已可概 見。後往貪麻 (Tamworth)埠一游。該埠梓友早籌多金,以備先生來往之經費。 上禮拜一日,先生抵其埠,梓友欣聞,遠出迎迓,居處、飲食、款待,悉臻美盛。 是晚,先生演說,舉中國之是非得失,歷落而痛陳之。該埠只有百十梓友,多赴 聽焉。由是人心愈憤,忠愛激昂,咸知皇上之聖德,維新之有益,固當保其復辟, 以圖中國之自強焉。 |
The second night, Mr. Liang made another speech, and then compatriots there established the Emperor Society and elected Zhou Youding 周有定 as chairman, Zhou Zaigeng 周載賡 as deputy chairman, Zhou Pangui 周攀桂 and Zhou Bing’an 周炳安 as treasurers, and Zhou Jin Huai 周金懷 as secretary and treasurer. Zhou Jinhu 周金 湖, Xie Weizhang 謝渭璋, Zhou Jiabao 周家保, Zhang Feng 張逢, Guo Sheng 郭生, Huang Futao 黃富滔, Chen Guanhang 陳觀杭, Zhong Jinmu 鍾金木, Zhai Jian’an 翟 見安,Zhou Guien 周貴恩, Zhou Xiaofa 周肖發, Zhou Guozhen 周國禎, Ren Chunhe 任春河, Zhou Yin’an 周蔭安, Zhou Rongduan 周容端, Zhang Jiale 張家樂, Zhou Zehua 周澤華 and others were on-duty chairman. For a time, people persuaded each other to donate and many of them joined the Emperor Society. Bao Chi, Luo Chang, and Chen Shou were also encouraged and bravely fought for it. All members were united with the same goal. | 先生次晚再演說,眾同胞遂開保皇會,公舉周君有定為總理,周君載賡為副 總理,周君攀桂、周君炳安為司庫,周君金懷為書記兼司庫焉。周君金湖、謝君 渭璋、周君家保、張君逢、郭君生、黃君富滔、陳君觀杭、鍾君金木、翟君見安、 周君貴恩、周君肖發、周君國禎、任君春河、 周君蔭安、周君容端、張君家樂、 周君澤華等,皆為值理。一時互相勸捐,入會甚眾。而鮑君熾、羅君昌、陳君壽亦從中鼓舞,以作其勇往之氣,可謂同聲相應,同氣相求矣。 |
On Wednesday night, people gathered, including Chinese and Westerners. Mr. Liang gave a speech, with the Western upper class [21] as the chairman and Bao Chi as the translator. There were hundreds of audiences in total. After the speech, the audience applauded in approval. It was late at night, so people left separately. The next morning, Mr. Liang took the train back to Sydney. Members of the Emperor Society of Sydney gave Mr. Liang a gold medal as a commemoration. Since compatriots from each port adored the Emperor deeply and admired Mr. Liang firmly, the Emperor had a good chance to regain power. Also, Mr. Liang’s loyal character would be remembered. | 禮拜三晚,大聚會,中西人咸集。先生演說,西人大紳為主席,鮑君熾傳以 英語,聽眾數百人。演畢,聽眾鼓掌稱善。是時,入夜既深,乃各散場而去。翌 晨,先生附火車返雪梨。該埠保皇會同志且贈先生金牌一枚,以為紀念焉。觀各 埠同志之熱心愛戴皇上如此其深,愛敬先生如此其篤,則皇上復辟之機大有可望, 而先生忠愛之德益不可忘矣。 |
[1] Liang Qichao (Chinese: 梁啓超; Wade-Giles: Liang Chʻi-chʻao; Yale: Lèuhng Kái-chīu) (February 23, 1873 – January 19, 1929) was a Chinese politician, social and political activist, journalist, and intellectual. His thought had a significant influence on the political reformation of modern China. He inspired Chinese scholars and activists with his writings and reform movements. His translations of Western and Japanese books into Chinese further introduced new theories and ideas and inspired young activists.
[2] There is a contraction and we are not sure if the hotel is named 西人大酒店 or if it is a random hotel and its owner is Western people.
[3] The elder Nanhua here can be dealt with as Zhuangzi, as there is also much controversy in China, some think that the god of Nanhua is a god of Taoism, and is not Zhuangzi; others, however, think that it is Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi, Burton Watson, and Columbia, The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002).
[4] All the Emperor in the article is the Guangxu Emperor. The Guangxu Emperor (14 August 1871 – 14 November 1908[1]), also known by his temple name Emperor Dezong of Qing, personal name Zaitian,[2] was the tenth emperor of the Qing dynasty,[3] and the ninth Qing emperor to rule over China proper. His reign, which lasted from 1875 to 1908, was largely dominated by his aunt Empress Dowager Cixi. Guangxu initiated the radical Hundred Days’ Reform but was abruptly stopped when the empress dowager launched a coup in 1898, after which he was held under virtual house arrest until his death.
[5] If you want to know more about the background and the meaning of the sentence, you can read articles below. An Sheng and Xu Jie 安生 許結, “Liyuezhidu yu chuhancifu de yanbian” 禮樂制度與楚漢辭賦的演變 [The Evolution of Rituals, Music Systems, and the Chu Ci and Han Fu Poetry], Journal of Sichuan Normal University: Social Sciences Edition 四川師範大學學報:社會科學版 48, no. 2 (January 1, 2021): 140–50. Zhu Xi and Zhao Changzheng 朱熹 趙長征, Shi Ji Zhuan 詩集傳[Poetry collection] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2018), 373.
[6] You can find more details about why and how Empress Dowager Cixi deposed the Emperor Guangxu in this journal article. Jia Shucun 賈熟村 “Yihetuan shiqi de Guangxu di,” 義和團時期的光緒帝[The Emperor Guangxu during the Boxer Rebellion period] Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology 湖南科技學院學報, no. 5 (January 1, 2010): 1–4.
[7] The Baohuang hui 保皇會 is the Protect the Emperor Society, one of the first political parties in Chinese History. K. Scott, Wong, “Liang Qichao and the Chinese of America: A Re-Evaluation of His ‘Selected Memoir of Travels in the New World”, Journal of American Ethnic History 11, no. 4 (1992): 3–24.
[8] Kang Youwei (19 March 1858 – 31 March 1927), who used to be Liang Qichao’s teacher, was a prominent political thinker and reformer in China of the late Qing dynasty. He was also an advocate of constitutional monarchy. Luke SK., Kwong, “Chinese politics at the crossroads: Reflections on the Hundred Days Reform of 1898”, Modern Asian Studies 34, no. 3 (2000): 663-695.
[9] Juan-Na System” was a political policy implemented in ancient China which granted certain political benefits such as government official positions to the financial donors of the government.
[10] It refers to Rong Lu榮祿 and Gang Yi剛毅. Li Yu李煜, “Didang Houdang Gainian zhi Liubian” “帝黨” “後黨” 概念之流變[The change of the concept of “Imperial Party” and “post-Party”], Journal of Pingdingshan University 平頂山學院學報, 36, no. 3 (2021), 84.
[11] “Rule behind the curtain” was the system in imperial China in which the de facto ruler of the state was not the Emperor but a woman. This occurred when the the Emperor could not effectively exercise his powers because he was still a child or because he was incapacitated. Ying-kit, Chan, A Precious Mirror for Governing the Peace: A Primer for Empress Dowager Cixi, Nan Nü 17, no. 2 (2015): 214-244.
[12] Yingtai is an island in the South Lake (Nanhai 南海) Beijing, one of the chain of lakes located on the west side of the Forbidden City. Lewis C. Arlington, and Lewisohn William, In search of old Peking, Journal of the American Oriental Society 88, no. 2 (1968), 96.
[13] Since the original text is “西正月十七號”, the “西” means the Gregorian calendar, which is different from the lunar calendar used before.
[14] In the original text, “山谷扶杖之民” literally means old, disabled, and sick people who live in a valley. We found that it should be a metaphor, which refers to the policy still unknown by people who live in the remote region, not just the valley. And for “扶杖”, we chose not to translate it literally and broad its scope to ‘many people’ because according to the context, we think the emperor not only wanted these people to be aware of the new policy.
[15] According to the reference, Prince Duan is a title associated with the Aisin Gioro clan of the Qing Dynasty. The man in the original text, who held the title of Prince Duan, was called Zaiyi (載漪, 1856–1923). Zaiyi was involved in the Boxer Rebellion and was exiled at the end of 1901, only briefly returning to Beijing in 1911. Fabienne Jagou, “Life in China and Tibet (from 1903 to 1958),” in Gongga Laoren (1903-1997), (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2021),10-35.
[16] This article shows the detail of the contradictions between Manchu and Han. And about the the Boxer Rebellion, they were utilized by the Empress Dowager Cixi, starting wars with eight countries at the same time, leading China to face the destruction. Xue Weiqiang 薛偉強,“Manhan maodun yu wanqing zhengju 1884-1912 yi tongzhijieji shangceng weizhongxin dekaocha” 滿漢矛盾與晚清政局(1884-1912)——以統治階級上層為中心的考察 [The Contradictions between Manchu and Han and the Late Qing Council (1884-1912)——The Upper Ruling Class as the Research Center], Hebeishifan daxue 河北師範大學(2012).
[17] Emperor Yao 堯, and Emperor Shun 舜, were the heroes of traditional China’s golden age’s sage emperors during the original period, who according to Chinese tradition lived from 2356 to 217. B.C. Jean Gates, “Model Emperors of the Golden Age in Chinese Lore,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 56, no. 1 (March 1936): 51,
[18] The only place name in the source text that is not annotated in English is 威治步, and although it is possible to transliterate the place name phonetically using the Wade-Giles phonetic transcription of Cantonese, the translator felt that it was important to maintain uniformity with the exact place name. Therefore, according to the map of New South Wales, we found Wellingrove near Inverell and Tingha, which is similar to the pronunciation of 威治步, and it is only twenty kilometres away from Glen Innes, which appears in the text several times. Based on the previous article, it is very likely that Wellingrove is the name of the 威治步. “Inverell%EF%BC%8Ctingha,” Bing, accessed June 5, 2024, 1&lq=0&sm=csrmain&pq=inverell%EF%BC%8Ctingha&sc=1- 15&sk=&cvid=57652F05BEB84E32852A3159EE40CB8B&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=.
[19] A bicycle is also known as a 腳車 or 腳踏車.
[20] Liang Qichao’s alias is also known as Zhuoru. 梁啟超. “梁啟超.” 檔案春秋 7 (2014): 3-3.
[21] We translated “大紳” as upper class (士紳). However, “大紳” may also be a name in the context but we didn’t find any reference to it.
An Sheng and Xu Jie 安生 許結. “Liyuezhidu yu chuhancifu de yanbian” 禮樂制度 與楚漢辭賦的演變 [The Evolution of Rituals, Music Systems, and the Chu Ci and Han Fu Poetry]. Journal of Sichuan Normal University: Social Sciences Edition 四川師範大學學報:社會科學版 48, no. 2 (January 1, 2021): 140–50.
Arlington, Lewis Charles, and William Lewisohn. “In search of old Peking”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 88, no. 2 (1968).
Bing. “Inverell%EF%BC%8Ctingha.” Accessed June 5, 2024. RE&sp=-1&lq=0&sm=csrmain&pq=inverell%EF%BC%8Ctingha&sc=1- 15&sk=&cvid=57652F05BEB84E32852A3159EE40CB8B&ghsh=0&ghacc=0& ghpl=.
Chan, Ying-kit. “A Precious Mirror for Governing the Peace: A Primer for Empress Dowager Cixi”. Nan Nü 17, no. 2 (2015).
Davies, Gloria. “Liang Qichao in Australia: a sojourn of no significance?.” East Asian History 21 (2001): 65-110.
Gates, Jean. “Model Emperors of the Golden Age in Chinese Lore.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 56, no. 1 (March 1936): 51.
Goossaert, Vincent. “1898: The Beginning of the End for Chinese Religion?” The Journal of Asian Studies 65, no. 2 (2006): 307–35.
Jagou, Fabienne. “Life in China and Tibet (from 1903 to 1958).” In Gongga Laoren (1903-1997), 10-35. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2021.
Jia Shucun 賈熟村 “Yihetuan shiqi de Guangxu di” 義和團時期的光緒帝[The Emperor Guangxu during the Boxer Rebellion period]. Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology 湖南科技學院學報, no. 5 (January 1, 2010): 1–4.
Kwong, Luke SK. “Chinese politics at the crossroads: Reflections on the Hundred Days Reform of 1898”. Modern Asian Studies 34, no. 3 (2000).
Li Hairong 李海蓉. Aozhou Baohuanghui chuangli tanyuan–yi Donghuaxinbao ji aozhou Baohuanghui dangan weizhu de fenxi [Exploring the Origins of the Founding of the Protect the Emperor Society of Australia—An Analysis Based on the Tung Wah News and the Original Archives of the Protect the Emperor Society of Australia]澳洲保皇會創立探源——以《東華新報》及澳洲保皇會 原始檔案為主的分析. Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu 華僑華人歷史研究 [Overseas Chinese Historical Studies], no.3 (January 1, 2017): 75-83.
Li Yu 李煜. “Didang Houdang Gainian zhi Liubian” “帝黨” “後黨” 概念之流變 [The change of the concept of “Imperial Party” and “post-Party”]. Journal of Pingdingshan University 平頂山學院學報, 36, no. 3 (2021).
Wong, K. Scott. “Liang Qichao and the Chinese of America: A Re-Evaluation of His ‘Selected Memoir of Travels in the New World.’” Journal of American Ethnic History 11, no. 4 (1992): 3–24.
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